
School Organisation

The school is organised in three age groups:

Phase 1 (Early Years)







Phase 2

Year 1




Year 2




Year 3 3C 3MH


Phase 3

Year 4




Year 5




Year 6 6AV 6J



Children are placed in mixed attainment classes according to their age. Within each class there may be further groupings according to the needs of the children and the work being undertaken.

Additionally, all the children are divided between four houses (Red, Green, Blue and Yellow) with brothers and sisters joining the same house.  The house system is used to maintain strong pastoral care across different year groups . 

Each term there are house days and events (charity fundraising, sports, music, picnic etc.) where the children work and interact as a house team.

The School Day 


8:40 to 11:40 for Morning class (there is no afternoon nursery class crrently)

8:40 to 15:15

Years 1 and 2
8.40 to to 15.20/25

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6
8.40 to 15.30

All children have a 15-minute morning break and an hour for lunchtime.  In a typical week, all children from Reception to Year 6 are in school for 32.5 hours or more.


All the children take their lunchtime in school, either bringing a packed lunch in a named lunchbox or by having a hot cooked meal provided by the school caterers. School meals are paid for in advance through Feeding Hungry Minds, the electronic payment system for Merton schools. Details of the current charges are available from the school office staff.  

A copy of the current school menu can be downloaded HERE

Attendance and punctuality

It is important that children arrive on time for school as close to 8:40 as possible.  The school gates and doors open for 10 minutes at 8:40 with all children going straight to class.  The time from 8:40 is an important learning primer for the day ahead, with maths, spelling and grammar practice, completion of any outstanding work, talking to their teacher individually, and generally getting organised for the day ahead.

Children who arrive late feel less settled in the first lesson as well as disrupt other pupils’ learning.  Children will be marked in late if they are not in class at 8:50 for registration. It is also important that children are collected on time at the end of the school day.

Regular attendance at school is essential for pupils to achieve their full academic potential.  It is a parent’s legal responsibility to ensure their child attends school.  When a child is ill or absent, we ask parents to inform the school office by email or telephone on the day of absence, otherwise the absence is recorded as unauthorised on their school report. 

Requests for family holidays in term time will not be authorised.  In certain exceptional or compassionate circumstances, a leave of absence in term time may be approved and we ask parents to complete a 'Leave of Absence' form (available from the school office or from the Policies page of the website) in advance.  All leave of absence requests are authorised at the sole discretion of the Head of School.


If a child is ill, it is important they are kept at home as illness can spread very quickly in a school environment.  As a precaution, children should not return to the school for 48 hours after the last bout of vomiting or diarrhoea .  Contagious illnesses should be notified to the school once a diagnosis has been confirmed.

All office staff, teaching assistants and lunchtime supervisors have received First Aid training. Additionally, some teaching staff have had emergency first aid training.  If a child is ill or has an accident at school, we will contact you if we feel it is necessary.  We will always contact you if there is an emergency concerning your child. For this reason, it is important that you keep us up to date with daytime telephone contact numbers.

For legal reasons, staff members are unable to administer medicines.  If prescribed medication needs to be taken during the school day, you can either come into school to administer the medicines yourself, or sign a form in the school office giving explicit permission for staff to administer these with details of the medicines required.  Please note that staff cannot administer any unprescibed medication. Separate arrangements apply in the case of long-term medical treatment (i.e. asthma, allergies, etc).  We do have children at the school whose allergies are potentially life-threatening, and we therefore adhere to a Nut Free policy in school in order to minimise any threat to them.

The School Nurse is happy to discuss any medical issues with you.  She can be contacted through the School Office.


At Wimbledon Park we believe in creating a positive climate where children can learn, progress, feel valued and achieve their potential.  Clear guidance and boundaries help us create a disciplined environment where children feel secure and can thrive.  Our aim is to develop a happy, hardworking atmosphere based on mutual respect and trust. 

School Rules

The following rules have been agreed by the whole school community:

  • We follow adult instructions
  • We care for others and ourselves
  • We always try our best
  • We are polite, honest, kind and helpful
  • We are proud of our school and look after it

Creating a positive environment

Good behaviour flourishes in a positive environment and the involvement of all the staff in creating this is essential. Adults in the school are expected to listen to the children, be courteous, friendly, helpful and caring, and the children are expected to respond in the same manner. Staff broadly follow the method of three positive comments for each negative one made.

Reward systems

Each class operates a merit award system to recognize and reward individuals for their learning and achievement. Classes also operate reward systems for good group behaviour with suitable rewards earned at the end of the day or week (e.g. golden time).

A good example is the “You Can Do It” reward system in operation throughout Early Years where children receive tokens for behaviour that shows Kindness, Thinking, Persistence and Confidence.  When a child earns 10 tokens in one area they are awarded a certificate in an Early Years assembly.

When children work especially hard on a piece of work, their teacher may ask them to show this to the Headteacher for which they receive praise and a Headteacher’s Award sticker.

On Monday we hold an assembly for Years 1 to 6 to celebrate good work, award certificates to children across the school and announce the winning house to receive the House Cup.  The winning house is rewarded with use of the adventure playground and extra playtime on Friday.  We invite parents of certificate winners to attend the assembly to share in this celebration, and we publish the names of certificate winners in the Friday bulletin.


We believe that behaviour is a choice made by children. We believe they are responsible for their behaviour and therefore for resolving its impact, whether on themselves, other children or the teacher.

Behaviour that prevents learning or which impacts on others’ enjoyment of school will result in some disciplinary action; not imposed punishments, but corrective actions required in order to put right the impact of their behaviour choices, and to teach responsible behaviour.

Disciplinary actions do not have to be severe to be effective, but must be consistent. Our discipline will never be coercive or include threats, intimidation or shouting.  We never embarrass, humiliate or physically harm a child and staff also avoid blanket punishments.

Disciplinary actions are organised in a hierarchy:

Stage 1

  • Verbal warning
  • Time out – short period of time separated from the rest of the class (but continuing with his or her class work), or separated in the playground.
  • Held back after the end of class or playtime where the teacher or adult will counsel the child for 1-2 minutes about making better choices.

Stage 2

  • Adults asks child to go to closest Thinking Station to fill in thinking sheet.
  • Missing break or lunch (partial or several).  This could be used to discuss behaviour, to complete work missed, complete a thinking sheet or put right the consequences of the poor behaviour.
  • Time out in another classroom (usually the impact team leader’s class) to discuss behaviour and their thinking sheet. This could coincide with class “golden” time.

At Stage 2, our aim is to create more time for a child to reflect on their behaviour.  The Thinking Station is part of the peer counselling system run by children in Years 5 and 6.  The children who run the Thinking Station apply for the role, are selected and trained.  These children do not replace adults in the disciplinary process and are not empowered to take any action themselves, or send other children to the Thinking Station.

Stage 3

  • Sent to the Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher to discuss a thinking sheet, have time out, or to miss break or lunch.  Parents will generally be informed at this point.
  • Daily behaviour record book for up to four weeks.  The parents will be invited to discuss the behaviour issues.  The child will be set two or three simple responsible behaviour targets to achieve every lesson and break time.  The child will be closely monitored and given lots of positive support to re-establish responsible behaviour.  The class teacher, parents and Headteacher will review the behaviour record book daily.

Every day, children start with a “clean slate” within the disciplinary hierarchy (other than children on an individualised behaviour plan or behaviour report). However, certain behaviour is reported immediately to the Headteacher or, in their absence, a member of the senior management team.  In these instances, the senior manager will deal directly with the child, involving parents as appropriate.  Examples of behaviour that would be immediately dealt with by the Headteacher include:

  • Persistent defiance and non-compliance
  • Bullying
  • Racist comments
  • Sexually abusive language
  • Swearing at an adult
  • Physical assault (e.g. spitting, punching, kicking)
  • Intentional damage to property
  • Stealing

If there is an instance when the exclusion of a pupil from school is appropriate, the school follows the statutory guidance, procedures and regulations on exclusion.


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